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My Published Works

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Reporter Genome

July 2020

One of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science is the origin of life on Earth. In this refreshing new look at the evolution of life, the reader is taken on a journey billions of years back into the planet's primeval conditions to revisit the possibility of organic precursors being introduced from another world. This is a story of how humans, armed with intelligence, curiosity and an innovative genome, could have been shaped to become the reporter species of Earth, with the help of biological mechanisms that include horizontal gene transfer, gene creation, modular systems and a predictable evolution.

Quantum Boxer

October 2020

A man stumbled upon a way to slow down time and used this knowledge to gain speed. He found out that he can be faster than any pugilist on the planet, earning him fame and wealth, but discovered that they all come at a cost. He changed his body and mind but it might be too late for him to go back.

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Books: Work
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